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Building Ventilation, Tunnel & Basement Ventilation
Combustion System Design and Optimization
Data Centre
Electric Vehicle
Fuel Cells
Medical Equipment
Oil & Gas
Process Equipment
Renewable Energy
Thermal Equipment
Aerospace Industry Services
Air and fuel inlet shape optimization (topology optimization), vehicle or product body optimization, generative design
Composite material analysis
Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) testing: EM Interference analysis.
Flight trajectory design and optimization, air traffic control, orbital mechanics simulations
Heat transfer and cooling analysis with optimization for engine, battery or fuel cells
Manufacturing process optimization: sensitivity analysis, structural analysis and cost-effectiveness check/analysis
Safety and reliability analysis
Spacecraft design and analysis
Stress and fatigue analysis, safety and failure analysis of wing, fuselage, and other aerospace components
Vibration and noise analysis
Automotive Industry Services
Advanced materials and manufacturing optimization
Aerodynamics optimization
Crashworthy analysis
Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) testing
Emissions reduction strategies
Energy efficiency and sustainability
Noise, vibration, and harshness (NVH) analysis
Structural analysis
Thermal management
Vehicle dynamics simulation
Building Ventilation, Tunnel & Basement Ventilation Industry Services
Basement ventilation and smoke analysis
Chilled water system hydraulic modelling
Cleanroom particle simulation
Cleanrooms HVAC system optimization
Indoor air quality (IAQ) improvement
Industrial HVAC system performance optimization
Noise control and reduction
Spot cooling system performance optimization
Thermal comfort analysis as ASHRAE standard 55
Tunnel ventilation
Combustion System Design and Optimization Industry Services
Combustion diagnostics and monitoring
Combustion noise reduction
Combustion system design and optimization
Emissions reduction and compliance
Flame stability and dynamics
Fuel flexibility assessment
Heat transfer analysis
Safety and reliability assessment
Data Centre Industry Services
Chilled water circuit hydraulic modelling to predict pressure losses and temperature
CRAC/PAHU/FWU failure scenario transient CFD analysis
Datacenter building generator room ventilation system
Flood risk assessment
Noise reduction analysis
Seismic analysis
Stress analysis
TES tank, buffer tank transient analysis
The data center building data hall cooling system internal CFD analysis and system optimization
The data center building external flow simulation with chillers, DG flue gases, and cooling tower
Defence Industry Services
Advanced aero-acoustic simulation of missiles
Advanced lightweight and high payload drones for military applications
Advanced materials for lightweight design
Aerodynamics and flight stability
Autonomous flight and navigation systems
Collision avoidance and safety mechanisms
Drone swarming and cooperative behaviour
Machine learning and AI for autonomous decision making
Noise reduction techniques for urban deployment
Propulsion and rocket motor technology
Structural and vibration analysis of missiles
UAV applications in high altitude surveillance, and payload delivery
Electric Vehicle Industry Services
Battery pack heat transfer analysis for cluster packs of li-ion and li-polymer
BLDC motor design with optimization with better heat dissipation
Heat resistant materials for fail safe measures in case of fire
Modular battery packs for four-wheel automotive vehicles
Rapid charging infrastructure with minimum downtime
Weight reduction material for battery packs
Fuel Cells
Cost reduction of infrastructure and storage by optimizing weight
Cryogenic storage tanks design and optimization
Enhanced materials for electrolytes
Enhancement in hybrid plugin solutions
Graphene based battery solutions
Optimization in hydrogen extraction processes (electrolysis)
Sensors for detection of potential leaks within system
Study in optimizing material within fuel cells
Study on increasing life of battery with low loss of capacity
Medical Equipment Industry Services
Antimicrobial coatings and materials, UV-C disinfection technologies
Development of scaffold materials, cellular interactions with biomaterials, 3D bioprinting of tissues
Dynamics of airflow in obstructive lung diseases, innovations in respiratory diagnostics
Ergonomic design for surgical efficiency, infection control in operation theatre design, integration of advanced medical technologies
Influence of design on patient outcomes, natural elements in healthcare design, techniques for creating restorative environments
Materials science for dental applications, innovative dental device design, biomechanics of dental corrections
Materials testing for joint replacements, lubrication in biomedical devices, wear patterns, and their impact on device longevity
Nanoparticle-based drug delivery, aerosol delivery mechanisms, needle-free drug delivery
Particle flow dynamics in cleanrooms, efficiency of HEPA filters, simulation models for particle tracking
Prosthetic design and biomechanics, orthopaedic implant wear and tear, tissue engineering for bone repair
Real-time monitoring technologies, innovations in contamination control
RFID in equipment tracking, inventory management systems
Smart home systems for the elderly, remote health monitoring
Wearable health monitoring devices, biocompatibility of implantable devices, advancements in surgical tools
Oil & Gas Industry Services
Flare dispersion analysis
Fluidized bed reactors
Gas-liquid separation
Multiphase flow in offshore systems
Particle flow in conveying systems
Particle segregation and mixing
Predictive maintenance
Pressure vessel design
Sand screen performance
Vibration analysis
Wellbore and annular flow
Process Equipment Industry Services
Energy efficiency and sustainability
Fluid bed reactors
High shear mixer granulator
Impeller designs for RMG
Mixing patterns – blenders, mixers
Reactor tanks
Scale-up and scale-down studies
Renewable Energy Industry Services
Battery systems
Energy monitoring management
Energy storage tanks
Geothermal energy
Power grid towers
Power plant equipment
Predictive maintenance for energy equipment
Renewable energy integration
Smart grid and demand response
Solar energy
Wave energy
Wind energy
Steel Industry Services
Bulk material flow through transfer chutes
Casting of pure metal and alloys
Continuous casting and batch casting
Flow and thermal analysis of blast furnace tuyere
Hot molten metal flow in the hearth and taphole of the blast furnace
Modelling of flare radiation in the steel industry and estimation of safe working distance on the ground
PCI and combustion in the tuyere-raceway zone in the blast furnace
Solidification and melting modelling of the casting process
Study of coke making process in Iron and steel industry
Thermal and heat loss analysis of pig iron in torpedo ladle
Thermal Equipment Industry Services
Combustion system optimization
Cryogenic systems analysis
Energy recovery systems
Fluid dynamics analysis
Heat exchanger performance evaluation
Materials selection and compatibility
Solar thermal system design
Thermal design and optimization
Transient thermal analysis
Turbomachinery Industry Services
Advanced aero-servo-elastic study and solutions
Advanced composite material design
Advanced gearbox designing
Cavitation and heat transfer optimisation of blades
Design and development of micro gas turbines
Design, optimization, fatigue, and failure analysis of turbine blades.
Optimization, surge and stall analysis, efficiency of alignment blades
Separator design and shape optimization for fuel and air pump applications
Air and fuel inlet shape optimization (topology optimization), vehicle or product body optimization, generative design
Composite material analysis
Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) testing: EM Interference analysis.
Flight trajectory design and optimization, air traffic control, orbital mechanics simulations
Heat transfer and cooling analysis with optimization for engine, battery or fuel cells
Manufacturing process optimization: sensitivity analysis, structural analysis and cost-effectiveness check/analysis
Safety and reliability analysis
Spacecraft design and analysis
Stress and fatigue analysis, safety and failure analysis of wing, fuselage, and other aerospace components
Vibration and noise analysis
Advanced materials and manufacturing optimization
Aerodynamics optimization
Crashworthy analysis
Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) testing
Emissions reduction strategies
Energy efficiency and sustainability
Noise, vibration, and harshness (NVH) analysis
Structural analysis
Thermal management
Vehicle dynamics simulation
Basement ventilation and smoke analysis
Chilled water system hydraulic modelling
Cleanroom particle simulation
Cleanrooms HVAC system optimization
Indoor air quality (IAQ) improvement
Industrial HVAC system performance optimization
Noise control and reduction
Spot cooling system performance optimization
Thermal comfort analysis as ASHRAE standard 55
Tunnel ventilation
Combustion diagnostics and monitoring
Combustion noise reduction
Combustion system design and optimization
Emissions reduction and compliance
Flame stability and dynamics
Fuel flexibility assessment
Heat transfer analysis
Safety and reliability assessment
Chilled water circuit hydraulic modelling to predict pressure losses and temperature
CRAC/PAHU/FWU failure scenario transient CFD analysis
Datacenter building generator room ventilation system
Flood risk assessment
Noise reduction analysis
Seismic analysis
Stress analysis
TES tank, buffer tank transient analysis
The data center building data hall cooling system internal CFD analysis and system optimization
The data center building external flow simulation with chillers, DG flue gases, and cooling tower
Advanced aero-acoustic simulation of missiles
Advanced lightweight and high payload drones for military applications
Advanced materials for lightweight design
Aerodynamics and flight stability
Autonomous flight and navigation systems
Collision avoidance and safety mechanisms
Drone swarming and cooperative behaviour
Machine learning and AI for autonomous decision making
Noise reduction techniques for urban deployment
Propulsion and rocket motor technology
Structural and vibration analysis of missiles
UAV applications in high altitude surveillance, and payload delivery
Battery pack heat transfer analysis for cluster packs of li-ion and li-polymer
BLDC motor design with optimization with better heat dissipation
Heat resistant materials for fail safe measures in case of fire
Modular battery packs for four-wheel automotive vehicles
Rapid charging infrastructure with minimum downtime
Weight reduction material for battery packs
Cost reduction of infrastructure and storage by optimizing weight
Cryogenic storage tanks design and optimization
Enhanced materials for electrolytes
Enhancement in hybrid plugin solutions
Graphene based battery solutions
Optimization in hydrogen extraction processes (electrolysis)
Sensors for detection of potential leaks within system
Study in optimizing material within fuel cells
Study on increasing life of battery with low loss of capacity
Antimicrobial coatings and materials, UV-C disinfection technologies
Development of scaffold materials, cellular interactions with biomaterials, 3D bioprinting of tissues
Dynamics of airflow in obstructive lung diseases, innovations in respiratory diagnostics
Ergonomic design for surgical efficiency, infection control in operation theatre design, integration of advanced medical technologies
Influence of design on patient outcomes, natural elements in healthcare design, techniques for creating restorative environments
Materials science for dental applications, innovative dental device design, biomechanics of dental corrections
Materials testing for joint replacements, lubrication in biomedical devices, wear patterns, and their impact on device longevity
Nanoparticle-based drug delivery, aerosol delivery mechanisms, needle-free drug delivery
Particle flow dynamics in cleanrooms, efficiency of HEPA filters, simulation models for particle tracking
Prosthetic design and biomechanics, orthopaedic implant wear and tear, tissue engineering for bone repair
Real-time monitoring technologies, innovations in contamination control
RFID in equipment tracking, inventory management systems
Smart home systems for the elderly, remote health monitoring
Wearable health monitoring devices, biocompatibility of implantable devices, advancements in surgical tools
Flare dispersion analysis
Fluidized bed reactors
Gas-liquid separation
Multiphase flow in offshore systems
Particle flow in conveying systems
Particle segregation and mixing
Predictive maintenance
Pressure vessel design
Sand screen performance
Vibration analysis
Wellbore and annular flow
Energy efficiency and sustainability
Fluid bed reactors
High shear mixer granulator
Impeller designs for RMG
Mixing patterns – blenders, mixers
Reactor tanks
Scale-up and scale-down studies
Battery systems
Energy monitoring management
Energy storage tanks
Geothermal energy
Power grid towers
Power plant equipment
Predictive maintenance for energy equipment
Renewable energy integration
Smart grid and demand response
Solar energy
Wave energy
Wind energy
Bulk material flow through transfer chutes
Casting of pure metal and alloys
Continuous casting and batch casting
Flow and thermal analysis of blast furnace tuyere
Hot molten metal flow in the hearth and taphole of the blast furnace
Modelling of flare radiation in the steel industry and estimation of safe working distance on the ground
PCI and combustion in the tuyere-raceway zone in the blast furnace
Solidification and melting modelling of the casting process
Study of coke making process in Iron and steel industry
Thermal and heat loss analysis of pig iron in torpedo ladle
Combustion system optimization
Cryogenic systems analysis
Energy recovery systems
Fluid dynamics analysis
Heat exchanger performance evaluation
Materials selection and compatibility
Solar thermal system design
Thermal design and optimization
Transient thermal analysis
Advanced aero-servo-elastic study and solutions
Advanced composite material design
Advanced gearbox designing
Cavitation and heat transfer optimisation of blades
Design and development of micro gas turbines
Design, optimization, fatigue, and failure analysis of turbine blades.
Optimization, surge and stall analysis, efficiency of alignment blades
Separator design and shape optimization for fuel and air pump applications