Defence Industry

Advanced Materials for Lightweight Design

Advanced materials for lightweight design

Advanced materials for lightweight design are revolutionizing industries by offering superior strength and reduced weight, leading to enhanced performance and efficiency. Collaborating closely with our clients, we offer valuable perspectives on the superior materials suitable for their products. At experiqs, expert engineers work on designing advanced composites that have enhanced performance and efficiency.

What we offer
Explore our more services related to Defence Industry

Advanced aero-acoustic simulation of missiles

Advanced lightweight and high payload drones for military applications

Advanced materials for lightweight design

Aerodynamics and flight stability

Autonomous flight and navigation systems

Collision avoidance and safety mechanisms

Drone swarming and cooperative behaviour

Machine learning and AI for autonomous decision making

Noise reduction techniques for urban deployment

Propulsion and rocket motor technology

Structural and vibration analysis of missiles

UAV applications in high altitude surveillance, and payload delivery